Day's Possibilities
Salute; a new day bringing sun or dropping rain.
A cloud is beneficial as a ray,
each, nourishing bud and foliage once again.
Who can declare either a bad day?
Why cringe? A new day, bringing snow and gales,
bids rest, the land producing crops to store.
Beauty comes, season change never fails;
following crystal days, come blooms once more.
Salute, a new day waiting for results,
a coming together time for what we sowed.
Temptation to impatience assaults;
it's then steadfastness and faith bear their load.
Salute, a new day, unknown what it brings,
stirs the adventure in the soul.
Whether blossoms bob or north wind sings,
unveiled, may be effects as hours roll.
©12/28/2013 Carol Welch