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Enlightening and confusing

Sometimes a fixation keeps the mind.
on ideas you never thought you'd think.
When you try to retrieve again, you find,
the clinging thoughts just vanish like a wink.

At times we'd like our memories repaired;
at other times, wish vainly to forget.
A wry smile, when thinking how we've fared,
remind us we can go a long way yet.

The brain, obliging, starts before we're born,
Doesn't seem to stop when we're asleep.
trips flightily through phrases filled with corn,
bears down with needs arising urgently.

Of all the many items in His plan,
the Creator has designed a wondrous tool.
Both enlightening and confusing man,
in His hands only, can true wisdom rule.

©03/12/2014 Carol Welch
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