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Questions and Actions

The wicked, it's said," borrow and don't return."
Do you suppose the words, '"I just forgot,"
can excuse me from that name? I could learn;
Is there a deadline? Oh, I do hope not.

It's said, would you believe? in Holy writ,
" If your brother fails to return your things,
don't demand the giving back of it."
Contradictory? Through it, good He brings.

Among mysteries present in this life,
questions, if you will, still unexplained.
In our inadequate minds bring strife.
Is it by obedience we're trained?

The one who hears His words and does not act,
though knowledge gained, no profit will he reap.
for wisdom does not add itself to fact,
until he sees results, to do is keep.

It's not until we act upon His word,
these paradoxes, difficult, make sense..
The outcome of the truth that we have heard,
is only realized by obedience.

©01/18/2014 Carol Welch
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