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Many-Charactered Stars and Stripes

How jaunty fly the colors in the sun,
while drumbeat, marching feet, and sounding brass,
proclaiming values held and victories won.
Citizens, in gratitude, cheer as they pass.

How peaceful, over sheltered homes, with pride,
they, patriotically, allegiance state.
Don't take for granted her guard of countryside;
to support her high principles, don't wait.

How assuring her air in class or hall,
allegiance pledged, hand, child or grown, on heart,
where, under God, we declare the call,
to be true and each one do our part.

How valiantly, over battlefields, she waves,
ground taken and protected in the strife.
With honor, she announces over graves,
the courage poured out to preserve our life.

How enduring, those stars and stripes relate,
the night distinguished by Francis Scott Key,
presiding, as we sailed on, the Ship of State,
and stands by as we sing, "Land of the Brave and Free."

©06/07/2013 Carol Welch
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